Thursday, January 20, 2011

UKS.. Unexpected Kitty Sightings.....

From The Wildwood Gazette

So, Second Life and First Life are so similar as in  kitties pop up in unexpected places, I had to smile when I walked into Whippet and Buck to browse for some new clothes and there in the hallway are a couple of Kitties, Bill and Barbara and two little kitten baskets, I clicked them all, they are all for sale, 100L each, it's kinda cute really.

If you see anymore kitties in weird place, please take a snapshot and send me the Lm, I will blog it and credit you, could be a fun competition if I can think of a decent prize.
From The Wildwood Gazette
From The Wildwood Gazette

Just in case you fancy adopting those Whippet and Buck kitties I noted the landmark below for you

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