Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stone Static Soldiers

From The Wildwood Gazette

So I have known Stone for a few weeks now, since I walked into his store checking things out, and he was very nice and chatty.  

Stone has many many kitties, and he made me laugh and I mean really laugh when I realised he had lined up all his kitties, in breed order, It's actually totally cool, if you are in the market for a Pointed, check out Cat tree no.2, a van cat tree on the 10, he hasn't actually named them, but you get my drift. Also on the tree he puts the older generations on the top and follows down with later ones, ( whispers- I did ask him if his  OCD meds were working, he said yes,..... but I am not so sure).

Stone and I had a conversation about generations, he is very knowledgeable and he kindly made me a cat family tree explaining all the levels, I have noted it for you below., along with a photo of his Colony of Pointed's

From The Wildwood Gazette

Beau                                          Belle
Male                                          Female
Pointed Lilac                            Pointed Lilac
Slit-Amber                               Round Chartruese
common                                   common
common                                   common
classic                                       classic
common                                    common

BebeBo            beeep                    BeBop                   BeBeep
Female              Male                     Female                   Female                                          
Pointed Lilac     pointed Lilac         Pointed Lilac           Pointed Lilac                             
Rd Chartruese   Rd Chartruese       Round Gold            Slit Amber                                    
Common           Fold                       common                  common                                  
commom          common                  common                   common                                       
classic              classic                      classic                       classic                                        
common          common                   common                    common           

4th Gens
Bo/BoPeep                                  Bo/Bebe                            Beau/Bebe
Female                                         Female                                Female
Pointed Lilac                                Pointed Lilac                      Pointed Lilac
Round Chartruese                         Slit Amber                          Round Chartruese
Fold                                             common                             common
common                                       common                             common
classic                                          classic                                shadow  
common                                      common                              common

5Th Gens
 Beau/Beau/Bebe                       Beau/Beau/Bebe
 Female                                      Female
 Solid Black                               Pointed Lilac
 Round Gold                              Slit Amber
 common                                   common
 common                                   common
 Shadow                                    Shadow
 common                                    common

 6th Gens
 Pointed Lilac
 Round Chartruese

This other photograph I took because I just thought it was fun to see all these Van's with different coloured eyes, it just made for a great photo.

From The Wildwood Gazette

And my next photo is also of matching kitties with different eyes, but I just love the way they look when grouped together.I do love the solid black, really with any kind of Eyes but I think my personal preference is round eyes.

From The Wildwood Gazette

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