Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hoilday Elegants verses Elegants- Zilar Deluxe

Holiday Elegants vs Elegants! - What's the Difference?
Holiday Elegants are somewhat simliar in style to our Elegant system but for the holidays.

To keep it simple and not too complex, the idea behind Holiday Elegants is for people to enjoy getting a chance of a holiday-festive cat for whatever the holiday/season may be. Unlike Elegants, you can get a Holiday Elegant no matter the span of the female cat (as we wish for everyone to get a chance to receive one)! The female Holiday Elegants also have a small, but better chance of producing another of their Holiday (when its their holiday). This does not mean that a female of a previous holiday will produce a new holiday's cat.

Holiday Elegant and Normal Females will not produce a *regular* elegant unless they have met the 10 spans or lower requirements as well as chance (we're not giving out exact numbers on the percentages of the chance of receiving one) plays it's part, Holiday Elegant or no.

Christmas Elegant Cats are like any other cat on their off holiday. So yes, they too have a chance of making a Valentine's Cat, Etc. But they're not guaranteed a Holiday Cat as it is not their holiday.

Elegants do not come from starter baskets, only birthed ones from starter or secondary (and so forth) cats!

There is no guarantee that Holiday Elegants or Elegants will happen on -every- cat. It is based on chance and the fact of it being rare. You start getting chances for -regular- elegants with 10 spans and lower as stated awhile ago!

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