Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jezzy Writer's Bengal

From The Wildwood Gazette
Gender: Female
Pelt: Bengal - Chocolate
Eye: Slit - Canary
Ears: Inbred - Common/Fold
Tail: Bob
Shade: Classic
Body: Common
Pelt: Solid - Red
Eye: Round - Forest
Ears: Common
Tail: Common
Shade: Classic
Pelt: Solid - Brown
Eye: Slit - Canary
Ears: Common
Tail: Common
Shade: Classic
So Jezzy was kind enough to drop me a couple of photos and a little blurb about her kitties in an email.
Apart from the chocolate Bengal pictured above, she also has a inbred with those adorable ears

From The Wildwood Gazette
Thanks so much Jezzy for sending me photos of your lovely cats.

If you would like to be featured on the blog, please send your photos and cats stats and blurb to I will accept notecards but then I just have to cut and paste everything, I like email please.

Claws and Teeth.. C.A.T

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mardi Gras Kitty Auction

From The Wildwood Gazette

I went to the Auction at Family Breedables, as they had a themed auction, displays for the kitties had to be Mardi Gras and the Owners had to dress up as well, people looked fabby and the cats were super cute too, I should have paid attention to the auction, but I was too busy snapping photos, so this will just be a puff piece.

From The Wildwood Gazette
From The Wildwood Gazette
From The Wildwood Gazette

My favourite setup was definitely this one, with the house in the background and the party girls on the balcony.

From The Wildwood Gazette

I like this themed night idea, I hope they do another one soon.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cat Baskets from What Next

From The Wildwood Gazette

I recently moved into a new house in Second Life  and needed some furniture, I went looking over at *What Next*, as I really like the pastel shades that they do truthfully I just like it all.

I would  really like to have this style in my real home,Ah yes my real home overlooking the sea and perpetual sunshine.. ah .. dream on.

Whilst I was there I saw one of the new products, which is a Cat basket and also a Cat suitcase. They are both scripted and texture change and copy, mod but no transfer. If you are a VIP member of the group you also get an additional discount on the other furniture on some items it is as much as 20%, there is a small fee to join 250L.

Cat Basket
From The Wildwood Gazette

Cat Suitcase

From The Wildwood Gazette

Lá Fhéile Pádraig ( Saint Patricks Day)

From The Wildwood Gazette

Well as you can see some of our kitties have the luck of the Irish upon them, this very cute Elegant, has a vivid green pelt, with slightly darker shamrocks and green eyes, and actually kinda cute, and I am not a great fan of green. You know what I really like the fact it has little green hair in it's ears, attention to detail, that is what makes a great cat.

From The Wildwood Gazette
This Kitten is owned by Christie Romano
The Stats
Bernadette Gender: Female
Pelt: Holiday Elegant - Spot o' Luck
Eye: Round - Sage
Ears: Common
Tail: Common
Shade: Classic
Body: Common

And the parents were:-

{3G} St Louis
Pelt: Pointed - Seal
Eye: Round - Amber
Ears: Common
Tail: Common
Shade: Sleek

{2G} Kentucky
Pelt: Pointed - Chocolate
Eye: Round - Sage
Ears: Common
Tail: Common
Shade: Classic

Only in Eire.. Smiles
"The shortest St Patrick's Day parade in the world takes place in Dripsey, Cork. The parade lasts just 100 yards and travels between the village's two pubs"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hoilday Elegants verses Elegants- Zilar Deluxe

Holiday Elegants vs Elegants! - What's the Difference?
Holiday Elegants are somewhat simliar in style to our Elegant system but for the holidays.

To keep it simple and not too complex, the idea behind Holiday Elegants is for people to enjoy getting a chance of a holiday-festive cat for whatever the holiday/season may be. Unlike Elegants, you can get a Holiday Elegant no matter the span of the female cat (as we wish for everyone to get a chance to receive one)! The female Holiday Elegants also have a small, but better chance of producing another of their Holiday (when its their holiday). This does not mean that a female of a previous holiday will produce a new holiday's cat.

Holiday Elegant and Normal Females will not produce a *regular* elegant unless they have met the 10 spans or lower requirements as well as chance (we're not giving out exact numbers on the percentages of the chance of receiving one) plays it's part, Holiday Elegant or no.

Christmas Elegant Cats are like any other cat on their off holiday. So yes, they too have a chance of making a Valentine's Cat, Etc. But they're not guaranteed a Holiday Cat as it is not their holiday.

Elegants do not come from starter baskets, only birthed ones from starter or secondary (and so forth) cats!

There is no guarantee that Holiday Elegants or Elegants will happen on -every- cat. It is based on chance and the fact of it being rare. You start getting chances for -regular- elegants with 10 spans and lower as stated awhile ago!

Sicky Me.. sicky kitty..

I have been as sick as a dog over this last week no pun intended, and I didn't leave enough food down, as  I wasn't  expecting to be  offline for several days, which I was cause I couldn't bear to look at the screen, so most of my cats were okay, but several were ewwwww.. not good!!!!

Green feet, red noses and eyes with X in them when they blink, so now I messed up this gives me the chance to tell you how to fix your Poor Baby/babies!

Here is Sable with her care kit, you can buy either the basic or the deluxe kit, I bought the basic, I am skint.

  • Rezz kit on the ground
  • Open Kit
  • Rezz the heart right next to your sicky kitty
  • The cat will find the meds and the script will take over
  • Hopefully after 20/30 seconds your cat will come back to normal colour
  • Make sure you feed your cat immediately otherwise you will be back where you started very fast.

Now that everything is hunkydory .. just don't do it again... I know I know......

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stone Static Soldiers

From The Wildwood Gazette

So I have known Stone for a few weeks now, since I walked into his store checking things out, and he was very nice and chatty.  

Stone has many many kitties, and he made me laugh and I mean really laugh when I realised he had lined up all his kitties, in breed order, It's actually totally cool, if you are in the market for a Pointed, check out Cat tree no.2, a van cat tree on the 10, he hasn't actually named them, but you get my drift. Also on the tree he puts the older generations on the top and follows down with later ones, ( whispers- I did ask him if his  OCD meds were working, he said yes,..... but I am not so sure).

Stone and I had a conversation about generations, he is very knowledgeable and he kindly made me a cat family tree explaining all the levels, I have noted it for you below., along with a photo of his Colony of Pointed's

From The Wildwood Gazette

Beau                                          Belle
Male                                          Female
Pointed Lilac                            Pointed Lilac
Slit-Amber                               Round Chartruese
common                                   common
common                                   common
classic                                       classic
common                                    common

BebeBo            beeep                    BeBop                   BeBeep
Female              Male                     Female                   Female                                          
Pointed Lilac     pointed Lilac         Pointed Lilac           Pointed Lilac                             
Rd Chartruese   Rd Chartruese       Round Gold            Slit Amber                                    
Common           Fold                       common                  common                                  
commom          common                  common                   common                                       
classic              classic                      classic                       classic                                        
common          common                   common                    common           

4th Gens
Bo/BoPeep                                  Bo/Bebe                            Beau/Bebe
Female                                         Female                                Female
Pointed Lilac                                Pointed Lilac                      Pointed Lilac
Round Chartruese                         Slit Amber                          Round Chartruese
Fold                                             common                             common
common                                       common                             common
classic                                          classic                                shadow  
common                                      common                              common

5Th Gens
 Beau/Beau/Bebe                       Beau/Beau/Bebe
 Female                                      Female
 Solid Black                               Pointed Lilac
 Round Gold                              Slit Amber
 common                                   common
 common                                   common
 Shadow                                    Shadow
 common                                    common

 6th Gens
 Pointed Lilac
 Round Chartruese

This other photograph I took because I just thought it was fun to see all these Van's with different coloured eyes, it just made for a great photo.

From The Wildwood Gazette

And my next photo is also of matching kitties with different eyes, but I just love the way they look when grouped together.I do love the solid black, really with any kind of Eyes but I think my personal preference is round eyes.

From The Wildwood Gazette

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Basket and you can't have it !!

Saw my cat laying there "holding" her basket...just had to grab a quick shot; before she moved.

Friday, February 11, 2011

At Auction ** Breedables**, Valentines & Bengals

The auction yesterday at Breedables was rammed solid they had a ton of great kitties, and the auction moved along quickly which I like, It was on voice, which is always more entertaining and current auction house prices for Wildwood are listed below.

From The Wildwood Gazette

And now onto the Kitties

From The Wildwood Gazette

Sold for 3500L
Male - Valentine kitty - 4 traits

Pelt: Solid - White
Eye: Round - Crimson
Ears: Fold
Tail: Fluffy
Shade: Shimmer
Body: Common

From The Wildwood Gazette

Snow White
Pelt: Solid - White
Eye: Round - Violet
Ears: Fold
Tail: Fluffy
Shade: Classic
Pelt: Solid - White
Eye: Slit - Pink
Ears: Common
Tail: Fluffy
Shade: Shimmer

From The Wildwood Gazette
Sold for 6000L
Female -Black valentine
Pelt: Holiday Elegant - Broken Heart Plushie
Eye: Round - Sky
Ears: Common
Tail: Bob
Shade: Classic
Body: Common
From The Wildwood Gazette
Pelt: Solid - Black
Eye: Round - Amber
Ears: Common
Tail: Bob
Shade: Classic

Pure Black Stub
Pelt: Solid - Black
Eye: Slit - Forest
Ears: Common
Tail: Bob
Shade: Classic

From The Wildwood Gazette
Bengal - 1.3 Pelt
Sold for 7500 L
Male - Cream Bengal
( sorry I forgot to grab the stats)
Wildwood Breedable Cat
Pelt: Bicolor - Black
Eye: Slit - Sunflower
Ears: Common
Tail: Common
Shade: Classic

Wildwood Breedable Cat
Pelt: Solid - Red
Eye: Slit - Sunflower
Ears: Common
Tail: Common
Shade: Classic


Look Into My Eyes.....

This baby girl is just so pretty; especially those eyes..had to post a pic of her.

Gender: Female
Pelt: Tuxedo - Bibbed Seal
Eye: Slit - Sky
Ears: Common
Tail: Common
Shade: Classic
Body: Common

Can't wait to breed her.....Nerin

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Soooooo Gorgeous,

From The Wildwood Gazette

So this is one of our new Pelts, it is a Bengal, I heard from Ravina who is the proud owner of this little darling, that she knows someone who birthed a chocolate recently, but she didnt have anymore details, this cream is so beautiful, I love Bengals in real life and this little kittys is adorable.

How did she manage it, well she bred a silver tabby with a black and red tabby with a shimmer shade, wouldn't think it would make a Bengal, but then that is the fun of the game right.

  • Queen:
  • 2Karen
  • Pelt: Classic Tabby - Silver
  • Eye: Round - Sage
  • Ears: Common
  • Tail: Common
  • Shade: Classic

From The Wildwood Gazette

  • Tom:
  • Shimmer Male
  • Pelt: Tricolor - Black/Red Tabby
  • Eye: Round - Amber
  • Ears: Common
  • Tail: Common
  • Shade: Shimmer

From The Wildwood Gazette

  •  Cream Bengal
  • Version: 1.3
  • Guardian: Ravina Burnstein
  • Age: 1
  • Gender: Male
He is up for Auction tomorrow at Breedables, there is going to be a ton of interest I. am sure of it everyone who saw a picture of him in the Wildwood chat tonight was just gaga. Cant wait to see what happens tomorrow, come along join in the fun.
Ionae 20Isles/38/120/23

The Gazette Posters

From The Wildwood Gazette

I am sure many of you are really good with Photoshop, I am still learning and sometimes it is a struggle with many clicks of the undo button.

but this set of posters for the blog came together quite easily, and because I am very pleased with the end result I thought I would share with you. The photo above is the original I took in world of a sleek tabby with folded ears.

From The Wildwood Gazette
  • Cut the cat out and replace him onto a black background
  • Resized it into a square from a rectangle
  • Painted the edges with black paint and then blurred it with Gaussian Blur

From The Wildwood Gazette
  • Add the font on two separate layers in white
From The Wildwood Gazette

  • On a third layer I added the features and coloured them
  • I took a sample of the colour and retinted the eye of the kitty
  • I slightly sharpened the whole image
  • and save.. taaa... daaa..!
I did'nt do any fancy footwork on these posters, all basic, but still that is the magic of Photoshop, even the faint of heart can use it and create great stuff.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Make your own Cat climber.

Even though everyone knows how to make prims, not many of us have the time and patience to fit all those prims together so carefully.

I have found the answer, I was lucky enough to meet Ravina Burnstein at a Kitty Market, like me she was just wandering around looking at everything. We got talking and she mentioned to me she had made a cat tree and then she dropped a sample of it into my inventory.

So in it's orginial state it has quite a nice texture on it
From The Wildwood Gazette

And soooo it is modify, and I thought I would play around with it and so, I purchased this super cheap suede pastel texture set from Marketplace SL, and started to modify it.(The set was under 100L)

From The Wildwood Gazette

This is me half way through and the finished cat climber is below.
From The Wildwood Gazette

Now the thing is, Ravina is just doing this as a sideline she doesn't have a shop inworld, just contact her, see if she will sell you one of her climbers.

You will be able to mod it with your logo all over.. think of the potential and the unexpected migraines you can give people.. LMAO

Cheeky Kitties Cat House

From The Wildwood Gazette
I saw this fantastic little cat house from Cheeky Kitties, it is totally made from sculpted prims and it has a wonderful cartoon feel.
All the parts come separately so you can use the pieces in any combination. Also the sign is detachable and mod so you can put your own logo on it as I have done.

It comes in several other colours, think I saw red, green and blue as well.
The set is transfer, which I like as I prefer transfer items in general.

From The Wildwood Gazette
From The Wildwood Gazette

Just on a fun note, when I trying it out , I clicked the little chair and sat in it, which was fine, until I clicked stand up and I was too tall to get out, Llew between laughing at me and making fun eventually tped me out of the prison.

Monday, February 7, 2011

1.3 Starter Kittens

My Pair of Reds

From The Wildwood Gazette
Soooooooo..... of course I am just as excited as everyone else with the 1.3 kitties what secrets are hidden in them, wonderful new pelts, eye colours and the body shapes, of course these are the complete unknowns, and that is what makes it so much fun.

Here are a few photos I snapped of my personal starters from 1.3
From The Wildwood Gazette
From The Wildwood Gazette

Both my kitties are red as you can see, one with a fluffy tail and lovely big eyes. I am thinking which of my original cats to breed them with, it's a hard choice.

Pelt: Bicolor - Red
Eye: Slit - Forest
Ears: Common
Tail: Common
Shade: Classic
Body: Common

Pelt: Classic Tabby - Red
Eye: Round - Sage
Ears: Common
Tail: Fluffy
Shade: Classic
Body: Common

Well both will be ready in 2 days so better start thinking quick.

Wildwood Store has a refit

From The Wildwood Gazette

I went over to the Wildwood store to pick up my new 1.3 starter kitties and saw the store has had a total refit, we have a new second floor with  all the edibles and cute seating area in front of the windows.

From The Wildwood Gazette

From The Wildwood Gazette

We have a very large display where you can purchase your new starter packs.

From The Wildwood Gazette

Also downstairs is the food for your kitties, Breeder food on one side and Pet food on the other, so it is very clear.

From The Wildwood Gazette
